This is called Permission to Enter His Sacred Presence, and it is considered a great honor.
However, all individuals who come before Him, including the outer guardians, may not speak until He acknowledges them verbally and asks them their business (to which they must respond, of course, by thanking and praising Him, then stating their business). Typically, He acknowledged the outer guardians quickly, if not immediately. This time, He did not acknowledge the guardian for some time. So Henneler remained kneeling next to another guard, with no explanation for His Supremacy’s absence at his cousin’s wedding. The guardian who went before Him was, presumably, silent and prostrate.
Growing impatient, Henneler turned to the guard. "He is in there, right? He hasn’t left, or gone anywhere else?"
"He is there."
Two more minutes, Henneler thought. Two minutes and I’m leaving and we’ll figure this out. He was a little embarrassed - far be it from him to be annoyed with His Supremacy - but he kind of wanted to get this over with and get on with his cousin’s wedding.
Just as Henneler was about to leave, the guardian he relayed his request to appeared and knelt beside him. "You may not enter His Sacred Presence," the guardian told Henneler.
"What? Why not?" This was, also, pretty unusual.
"I do not know."
"He didn’t tell you? Did anyone?"
"I requested permission to speak further, intending to ask Him. His Supremacy did not grant it."
"But He’s in there, right?"
"Yes, He’s in there."
"Do you know if He still intends to go to Tetenia’s wedding?"
"I do not."
Henneler had run up against a brick wall, and he knew it. There was no way to force Him to explain Himself to anyone. The rules governing interacting with Him were rigid, and designed to reinforce that all the power in all interactions lay in His hands. Henneler shook his head, and left to go back to the wedding.
Tetenia, the king, and Sarly had been nervously sitting in the anteroom for over half an hour, when Henneler finally appeared.
The king looked at his nephew excitedly. "Is He coming? Do you know what’s going on?"
"I don’t know," Henneler said.
Tetenia was thinking about how His Supremacy’s visit, and His Supremacy’s attendance at the wedding, had seemed to occupy more of her father’s thoughts than the wedding itself.
"What happened?"
"He wouldn’t grant me an audience. I went there, knelt for awhile, turned around and came back. I asked the guards, but they didn’t know anything, either. He’s still there. I don’t know if He’s coming or not."
"So, what should we do?" Lord Sarly piped up. The king looked around the room.
Tetenia, sitting quietly in a corner, nervous about the wedding, nervous about how she could possibly be married to Daymon after experiencing His Supremacy - and wondering why none of her relatives seemed to have any idea of the reason for her lateness at last night’s dinner - spoke up. "Let’s just go ahead and do it," she said. She stood up. "I can’t do this any longer. Let’s just do it." By "this," she meant a lot more than sit nervously in the anteroom, but they didn’t know that. She was deciding to just go ahead with her future. She had been tied up in knots the past couple of days, and was sick and tired of it.
"But, darling, His Supremacy could…." King Ulsan trailed off. "Surely you know." He was concerned about their family’s political future, and even their future in general.
"Yes, I know. But do you really think He cares that much about us? Do you think this wedding figures that prominently in His thinking?"
"He accepted the invitation. He didn’t have to. He doesn’t go to the weddings of every royal family in every Subject Kingdom."
"He couldn’t even if he wanted to. I don’t know why He accepted, and if He shows up we’ll figure it out. But can we please just go ahead and do this?" Tetenia was a little annoyed at her father - and she thought it somehow appropriate that He was affecting her wedding day without even being there. Reminders of His power were everywhere now.
"OK….OK." The king breathed deeply. "Let’s do this."
Sarly and Henneler went to their seats. King Ulsan walked Tetenia down the aisle a few minutes later.
Tetenia kind of expected that His Supremacy would show up part-way through the wedding ceremony, make everyone bow down to Him and then take Her and make Her suck His cock or fuck her in the ass in front of all the wedding guests, in front of Daymon, in front of her parents, in front of the highest-born and most-accomplished people in Nordland, and then take her into concubinage on the Sacred Estate as the assembled crowd groveled before Him. She actually kind of wanted Him to do this. She fantasized about it as she was walking down the aisle, as she was looking into Daymon’s eyes. But it didn’t happen.
The ceremony came and went, and there was no sign of His Supremacy. She kissed Daymon and walked out past the crowd of guests. The couple was congratulated by a seemingly endless stream of people. There was no sign of Him anywhere - and it’s not like He was known for blending in.
Daymon and Tetenia rode together back to the castle. Daymon held her hand and smiled, and Tetenia tried her hardest to reciprocate his seeming happiness, to even be happy herself. She was succeeding, kind of. Daymon was a good man, an accomplished man. It wasn’t his fault he wasn’t God.
Nordish weddings typically had a one-hour period in which the couple would go off and consummate (or even just relax together) after the ceremony, before re-joining the guests for a celebratory banquet. Upon arriving at the castle, Daymon and Tetenia set off for their hour together, in Tetenia’s bedchambers. Tetenia was nervous, albeit not for the reason Daymon suspected.
"It’ll be OK, my dear," Daymon said. "We don’t even have to do it today if you don’t want to. We have the whole rest of our lives. I certainly don’t want to do if you don’t want to." He squeezed her hand and smiled reassuringly as they walked towards her bedchambers.
"I certainly don’t want to do it if you don’t want to." The phrase rung out in Tetenia’s head. It would probably never even occur to His Supremacy to say such a thing. If His Supremacy wanted to do it, whatever it was, it was done. If you didn’t want to do it, whatever it was, there were literally hundreds of other women slobbering to do it, craving to do it, with Him instead - and He might do it with one of them, or even several of them, but He would also do it with you. His Supremacy got whatever He wanted. His Supremacy took whatever He wanted, and expected gratitude for the taking. Deep down, Tetenia wanted to be taken, to be overwhelmed, by His Supremacy.
Tetenia shook her head, trying to get back into the moment, with Daymon. "I’m not saying we can’t," she said. "I don’t know. Let’s just figure it out while we’re there."
"I’m sure we’ll be fine either way," Daymon said.
There were four kneeling guardians outside Tetenia’s bedchambers.
Tetenia looked at Daymon, and he seemed confused. Both of them knelt. "Should we…go somewhere else?" a confused Daymon asked the guardian next to him.
"No, wait here." The guardian went into the bedchambers, and quickly came back out. "Enter, both of you. His Supremacy commands your presence."
Daymon and Tetenia looked at each other. They were both nervous, albeit for very different reasons. They entered the bedchambers.
His Supremacy sat, in the same chair He was using yesterday - His chair, that is - and in the same spot. The Queen Priestess Anya and the concubine Mia were both worshipping Him, sucking His cock. Tetenia and Daymon bowed down before Him, and Tetenia noticed that someone was also eating out His ass, head perched into His seat, back facing upwards, knees on the floor. Although she couldn’t figure out who it was.
"Mmmmm, that’s good Anya," He said. "That’s nice. Like that."
He did not look at Daymon or Tetenia. He did not say anything to them. He appeared to be in a state of sublime relaxation.
Anya, who had sultry lips and enormous breasts, was possibly His Supremacy’s favorite of the ten Queen Priestesses (His concubines numbered around 250), and she was devoted to Him with a fervent singularity. Her deepthroating skills were phenomenal to the point of defying physics. She was capable of taking all ten inches of His cock into her mouth and throat, massaging the base with her lips, running her tongue up and down the shaft, and keeping it there, basically for as long as He wanted - which could easily be hours. This was not to say that it was easy for her. Although she did not gag as much as newer concubines, it was pretty much impossible to do this without gagging and choking a fair amount. She regulated her breath such that she only had to take small, slow gulps of air while He was in her mouth, and even trained herself to need less air while pleasuring Him. Maintaining this state while focusing on His pleasure required all of her mental capacity and then some. It was painful in a way that did not dissipate with time or practice. There were few people who had spent more time fellating Him, or performing Full Worship at Ceremony (which essentially practice deepthroating) than Anya, and she had fully accepted one thing: All the practice, all the cocksucking, was not about reducing her pain. It was about experiencing her pain, accepting her pain, and willingly taking on more pain for the glory of His pleasure, for the fulfillment of His whim.
After an hour of deepthroating Him, her head would be pounding mercilessly from the lack of air, and her throat would be sore and her eyes would be teary. But if it pleased Him, she would keep sucking Him, keep worshipping Him, for another hour afterwards, and an hour after that. If He willed her to keep going through and after His orgasm - a common occurrence - it would be even harder to breathe, but it was no matter. Her pain, even her great pain, was a trifle in comparison to His desire to Have his cock sucked in accordance with His whim, to maximize His pleasure.
In Tetenia's room, Anya choked on His cock. The noise startled Daymon, and even Tetenia. But she did not move one millimeter. His Supremacy put His hand on Anya’s head and sighed contentedly.
His Supremacy glanced briefly at Tetenia, but did not seem to pay any attention to her, or to Daymon. Tetenia recognized the concubine Tanya, along with Queen Priestess Karina, and two other concubines, prostrate next to herself and Daymon. They were bowing down, silent, as well. There were also a handful of His servants and guards in the room, also bowing down silently.
His Supremacy did not pay any of them any heed. "That’s so good," He said, lightly cupping one of Anya’s breasts as she deepthroated Him. "That’s so good."
All of the tension in His body was directed towards His erect cock. Anya sucked His cock, Mia built licked His balls and His taint, Legensa - another concubine - licked His ass, positioned perfectly such that it was as though He were sitting in a silken chair which also could give Him a rimjob. His muscles relaxed and He sighed.
He came. His orgasm lasted for about three minutes, and all of His cum shot right down Anya’s throat. "I’m gonna cum," He said, almost lazily, in a voice just a bit above a whisper. "Yeah…it feels so good." He paused and pumped His cock deeper into Anya’s throat, in a way that was slow, but very much in control. He didn’t even put His hand on Anya’s head, she didn’t budge at all and she swallowed everything down. "It feels so good to have power…ahhh," He said. His body appeared wholly relaxed through the entire orgasm.
Anya swallowed every drop without incident, although some of it did come out of her nose. After He came, His Supremacy placed His hand on Anya’s head and made a few light-but-forceful thrusts, pushing His cock into her throat. "I have given you a great and sacred gift, Anya," He said, again, almost lazily and just a bit above a whisper. "I expect you are grateful." He held His hand there for another minute or two, and the moved it off Anya’s head.
He shifted back into the chair a little, and moaned lightly as His ass pushed further on Legensa’s face. And then….nothing changed. Anya continued to deepthroat Him. His cock was still hard as a rock. Aside from that one quick glance, He had not so much as looked at Tetenia or Daymon.
Daymon glanced up at the clock on the wall. Nearly forty-five minutes had passed since they first arrived. In fifteen minutes, they would have to leave. But how would they do so if His Supremacy did not acknowledge them?
The fifteen minutes came and went without acknowledgement. Tetenia began to feel…small. Insignificant. His Supremacy was sitting there, in her room, on her wedding day, being pleasured, and all she could do was bow down before Him. She thought He was going to take her in front of everyone in an ostentatious display of His power. Now, she didn’t know what He was doing. She wasn’t sure He was doing anything.
Although…in a way, this was an even more ostentatious display of His power than, say, assfucking Her in front of the entire Nordish elite. He could just sit there and lazily enjoy a blow job and a rim job for for as long as He liked. They…had to bow down to Him. It didn't matter that they had just gotten married, and that there was a roomful of guests waiting for them. They were bowing down before Him. That was what mattered.
Again: He could just sit there and lazily enjoy a blow job and a rim job for as long as He liked. They had to bow down to Him. Nothing else counted for anything. Tetenia averted Daymon’s eyes, embarrassed to be thinking about this - although how could she not? Her back started to hurt, as she had been prostrate for over an hour.
His Supremacy suddenly took Anya’s head and indicated that she pop off His cock. She came up, gasping for air, with a heavy cough, as His cock immediately disappeared down into Mia’s throat . Mia wasn’t Anya, but she was one of His favored concubines and could deepthroat Him for an hour or more. She pushed her lips against the base of His cock and gagged and squirmed as He pushed past the back of her throat, but she didn’t skip a beat. His cock went straight from Anya’s throat to Mia’s.
Anya, of course, thanked Him through the gasps for air. "Lick my balls and express your gratitude towards me, Anya," He said, as lazily as He was saying everything else in this moment.
Anya licked His balls and then buried herself in His taint, and then came back out again. His Supremacy slapped Anya’s tit surprisingly hard, but then settled back into the chair, totally relaxed.
Anya was still panting for air - she and been deepthroating Him for over two hours - and she found it hard to speak. Still, she had no choice.
"Thank you, Your Supremacy," she said, yet again. "You have given me a tremendous, indescribable, sacred, wonderful gift." She buried herself in His taint. "I will always be grateful to you. I am tremendously grateful, always, every second, as I know I must be. I know I must be more grateful than that as the gifts you have given me are Sacred, are Godly, and nothing that exists is worthy of them." She shifted back to his balls, and gasped for air. "Yet you have given me them. Thank you, Your Supremacy. I know thanking you is inadequate but nothing can match what you have given me, nothing can match your generosity."
His Supremacy sat back and moaned. "It is inadequate, Anya," He said, not even looking at her. He looked almost bored as He pushed Mia down on His cock.
"Of course. Of course. Yes." The pure adulation that Anya felt for Him was plain in her voice, even as she was clearly still somewhat short of breath. "It is inadequate. I am sorry it is so inadequate, Your Supremacy. I owe you more than gratitude, more than thankfulness. You have deemed to permit my unworthy self to worship you, to bow down in Your Sacred Presence, to kneel before you and sacrifice my breath for your pleasure. You have blessed me with gifts greater than the whole world. There no words to truly express the depth of my gratitude, and yet the depth of my gratitude is not nearly enough to compensate for the blessings you have bestowed upon me, for allowing me to be your worshipful servant, your worshipful slave." It was clear that Anya really felt these things - the adoration, the reverence, the raw honesty, in her voice was almost painful to hear.
"That’s enough Anya," He said. He reached down and caressed her breasts, but He did not look at her. "Just lick my balls."
"May I….may I submit one request to, Your Supremacy. Please. I know I am unworthy of it." She was begging, desperate.
His Supremacy waited a couple of minutes before responding. "You may request something. But I expect that you will be even more grateful to me than you were before."
"Yes, Your Supremacy. Of course, Your Supremacy." Anya paused and licked Him. "May I kiss the bottoms of your feet?"
"You may…..that feels good, Mia," He said, moving His cock in Mia’s throat. "I expect you will recognize my generosity in granting you this indulgence. It is a tremendous honor to kiss my feet."
"Thank you, Your Supremacy," Anya said.
His Supremacy turned right foot on its side. Anya bowed down, the side of her head touching the floor, and kissed the bottom of it. She then said, "Thank you, Your Supremacy. Kissing your Sacred feet is a great honor and a tremendous privilege. Thank you, Your Supremacy." He did the same with the left foot, and she said the same thing.
"You must perform an ablution before you can continue to lick my balls," His Supremacy said. Anya crawled over to a bowl of water on the side of the room, and washed her face and mouth. She crawled back and resumed licking.
Tetenia and Daymon were still prostrate, still unacknowledged.
About half an hour later, a guardian appeared. He bowed down, and His Supremacy immediately looked at him and asked his business. Mia was still sucking His cock, Anya was stil licking His balls, although Amandal had replaced Legensa in rimming Him.
"Thank you, Your Supremacy. King Ulsan is here with Lord Sarly, Your Supremacy. They humbly request the honor of entering Your Sacred Presence."
"Send them in."
"Thank you, Your Supremacy."
The king and Lord Sarly entered and bowed down before Him.
"Yeah, Mia," He said. "Yeah. Keep sucking it. You have to keep sucking it. Ahhhh," He moaned softly, in pleasure. No one else had ever experienced pleasures quite like these. He waited a few minutes before addressing the king and Lord Sarly. He still had not addressed Tetenia or Daymon at all.
"Thank you, Your Supremacy. It is with great veneration that I humbly come before you. It is a tremendous privilege to be in Your Sacred Presence," the king said, in keeping with the rules for interacting with Him. "We….Tetenia and Daymon were wed today. There are guests at the banquet who are awaiting their arrival. I was hoping, meekly hoping, that you would be so kind as to tell me when the guests can expect them. Thank you, Your Supremacy."
"I have summoned them."
"Thank you, Your Supremacy. I humbly request permission to respond, Your Supremacy. Thank you, Your Supremacy."
Mia gagged and choked loudly on His cock. He smiled. He was cumming again, Tetenia realized. He was having an orgasm in the middle of this interacting with her father. His pleasure was more important than whatever the king wanted. This one was a couple of minutes, and some of the cum dripped out of Mia’s mouth. He called over Karina to lick it up, and she thanked Him for the privilege. Tetenia got a little wet despite herself. His cock remained firmly in Mia’s mouth - was He ever not erect. Tetenia wondered.
Several minutes went by before His Supremacy said, "Granted."
"Thank you, Your Supremacy. I am not worthy of bowing down before you. I was just hoping that you could give some inkling of why you have summoned them. It would be very very helpful. It is Tetenia’s, my daughter’s, wedding day. I would be eternally grateful. Thank you, Your Supremacy."
He pushed Mia down on His cock and, for the second time in over two hours, looked over at Tetenia. But again, only for a split-second. He sat back and relaxed on the chair, enjoying Mia’s attentions as she struggled to breathe.
Ten or fifteen minutes went by. He was looking at nothing in particular. His cock was still rock solid in Mia’s mouth, everyone else in the room was still on their knees, in some fashion or other.
"Tetenia is my concubine," He said, looking at no one, as though it were an afterthought.
Tetenia’s heart jumped. It was true. She wanted to crawl to Him and suck His cock, but she knew she could not unless He permitted it. She wanted to praise Him, but she knew she could not unless He permitted it. She remained silent and prostrate. She tried not to look at Daymon, who was devastated and holding back all kinds of emotions. She tried not to look at her father, who would probably see political advantage to this, but would also be distinctly uncomfortable with the idea of his only child living the life of one of His concubines.
Tentatively, the king requested permission to respond. His Supremacy granted it.
"Thank you, Your Supremacy," the king said. He paused for a moment. "While I am glad that Tetenia pleases you, I did not know. I did not know that she was your…servant. I…apologize for this. Thank you, Your Supremacy." Ulsan felt humiliated, but also a little relieved - though he’d still have to deal with Daymon’s family.
"That’s nice, Mia," His Supremacy said. He fondled her tits, which were, like Anya’s, massive. "Go further into my ass, Amandal." Amandal pushed her face into His asshole and licked vigorously. "Yeahh….like that," He said, and stared off into the middle distance.
"You are no longer the king of Nordland," he said to Ulsan, not even looking at him, again like it was an afterthought.
Ulsan’s heart sank. He thought he had done everything right for His visit. He grew agitated and blurted out "What, why?"
"Mmmmyeah," His Supremacy said in pleasure. "Sarly may not inherit your throne, as well." Now his brother was disinherited. The princess was now a concubine, invalidating Daymon's claim to the Nordish crown. His family had ruled Nordland for three centuries. No more.
His Supremacy addressed Ulsan. "You did not praise me," He said. Mia was running up against the longest she could deep throat Him. Her body began to squirm and she flapped her arm against her leg. Still totally relaxed, He pushed her head back down. "Stay down, Mia." She wasn’t sure it was physically possible for her to stay down much longer - but she had no choice.
"I granted you permission to respond, and for a second time," He said. "When I grant you this privilege, you must praise me. I granted it to you twice," He said, and moaned in pleasure. "The second time, you did not praise me." He moaned in pleasure again, impervious to Mia’s increasingly-evident struggling. "I do not appreciate…" He broke off. Mia let out a loud gag and her body squirmed. She looked like she was trying desperately to control some kind of shock as she pleasured Him. He put His hand on her head "You have to stay all the way down, Mia," He said. He was - amazingly - cumming yet again. "You better be grateful,"He said to Mia He pumped yet more cum into her throat. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and He moaned in pleasure. "….such intransigence," He resumed saying.
"You then asked me a question without requesting permission at all," He went on. Still cumming, He removed His hand from Mia’s head. "Yeahhh," He told her. Mia gagged and choked loudly and spittle and cum came out of her mouth. She wished she could move from the base of His cock, but she knew she could not. She was ashamed to think this - He was coming, giving her a Great and Sacred Gift, for the second time in under thirty minutes. What a great honor. Every second of pleasuring Him was an escalating struggle for her. But He was coming in her mouth, again. What an indescribable blessing.
Her face was getting redder by the second and she was consciously trying to prevent her arms from flapping around. The base of His cock was still in her mouth, and the tip was still in Her throat, pouring forth cum. That was all that mattered. He moaned in pleasure again, as Mia writhed in pain. "I hope you are grateful, Mia," He said. "I hope you are eternally grateful."
She was, of course.
"It is a privilege for you to be in my presence. It is an honor for Nordland that I have come here," He said to Ulsan, still cumming in Mia's mouth and throat. "I hope you understand that. I hope you realize."
He paused as His orgasm subsided. Again, it lasted for around two minutes. "You have displeased me. You should be grateful, and you have displeased me," He said to Ulsan.
He did not sound especially angry when He said these things. His tone was not all that different from the tone He used when saying "that’s good" to His cocksucking concubines. His all-encompassing power spoke for itself.
There was a pool of cum on the floor. "Legensa and Karina, you may lick my cum off the floor. Remember my benevolence in granting you this great gift." The pair crawled to Him and licked up the cum with lots of enthusiasm. They acted like this was the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Maybe they actually felt that way, Tetenia thought.
"I…Thank you, Your Supremacy," Ulsan groveled. "I humbly request permission to respond, Your Supremacy. Thank you. Your Supremacy."
"Denied," He said. His cock was still rock hard, in Mia’s throat.
Ulsan was humiliated. Tetenia felt like she was on the verge of orgasm without coming close to touching herself.
Mia struggled on His Supremacy’s hard cock. She remained all the way down. She was a half-breath away from choking herself and her head hurt and her knees hurt and she had to use more concentration and focus than she ever thought she had, just to continue worshipping Him. But she remained all the way down. Pleasuring Him, sucking His cock, was an honor, a great, indescribable, honor, bestowed upon the fortunate and the chosen. It was His will. Nothing else was of any importance at all.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:
However, all individuals who come before Him, including the outer guardians, may not speak until He acknowledges them verbally and asks them their business (to which they must respond, of course, by thanking and praising Him, then stating their business). Typically, He acknowledged the outer guardians quickly, if not immediately. This time, He did not acknowledge the guardian for some time. So Henneler remained kneeling next to another guard, with no explanation for His Supremacy’s absence at his cousin’s wedding. The guardian who went before Him was, presumably, silent and prostrate.
Growing impatient, Henneler turned to the guard. "He is in there, right? He hasn’t left, or gone anywhere else?"
"He is there."
Two more minutes, Henneler thought. Two minutes and I’m leaving and we’ll figure this out. He was a little embarrassed - far be it from him to be annoyed with His Supremacy - but he kind of wanted to get this over with and get on with his cousin’s wedding.
Just as Henneler was about to leave, the guardian he relayed his request to appeared and knelt beside him. "You may not enter His Sacred Presence," the guardian told Henneler.
"What? Why not?" This was, also, pretty unusual.
"I do not know."
"He didn’t tell you? Did anyone?"
"I requested permission to speak further, intending to ask Him. His Supremacy did not grant it."
"But He’s in there, right?"
"Yes, He’s in there."
"Do you know if He still intends to go to Tetenia’s wedding?"
"I do not."
Henneler had run up against a brick wall, and he knew it. There was no way to force Him to explain Himself to anyone. The rules governing interacting with Him were rigid, and designed to reinforce that all the power in all interactions lay in His hands. Henneler shook his head, and left to go back to the wedding.
Tetenia, the king, and Sarly had been nervously sitting in the anteroom for over half an hour, when Henneler finally appeared.
The king looked at his nephew excitedly. "Is He coming? Do you know what’s going on?"
"I don’t know," Henneler said.
Tetenia was thinking about how His Supremacy’s visit, and His Supremacy’s attendance at the wedding, had seemed to occupy more of her father’s thoughts than the wedding itself.
"What happened?"
"He wouldn’t grant me an audience. I went there, knelt for awhile, turned around and came back. I asked the guards, but they didn’t know anything, either. He’s still there. I don’t know if He’s coming or not."
"So, what should we do?" Lord Sarly piped up. The king looked around the room.
Tetenia, sitting quietly in a corner, nervous about the wedding, nervous about how she could possibly be married to Daymon after experiencing His Supremacy - and wondering why none of her relatives seemed to have any idea of the reason for her lateness at last night’s dinner - spoke up. "Let’s just go ahead and do it," she said. She stood up. "I can’t do this any longer. Let’s just do it." By "this," she meant a lot more than sit nervously in the anteroom, but they didn’t know that. She was deciding to just go ahead with her future. She had been tied up in knots the past couple of days, and was sick and tired of it.
"But, darling, His Supremacy could…." King Ulsan trailed off. "Surely you know." He was concerned about their family’s political future, and even their future in general.
"Yes, I know. But do you really think He cares that much about us? Do you think this wedding figures that prominently in His thinking?"
"He accepted the invitation. He didn’t have to. He doesn’t go to the weddings of every royal family in every Subject Kingdom."
"He couldn’t even if he wanted to. I don’t know why He accepted, and if He shows up we’ll figure it out. But can we please just go ahead and do this?" Tetenia was a little annoyed at her father - and she thought it somehow appropriate that He was affecting her wedding day without even being there. Reminders of His power were everywhere now.
"OK….OK." The king breathed deeply. "Let’s do this."
Sarly and Henneler went to their seats. King Ulsan walked Tetenia down the aisle a few minutes later.
Tetenia kind of expected that His Supremacy would show up part-way through the wedding ceremony, make everyone bow down to Him and then take Her and make Her suck His cock or fuck her in the ass in front of all the wedding guests, in front of Daymon, in front of her parents, in front of the highest-born and most-accomplished people in Nordland, and then take her into concubinage on the Sacred Estate as the assembled crowd groveled before Him. She actually kind of wanted Him to do this. She fantasized about it as she was walking down the aisle, as she was looking into Daymon’s eyes. But it didn’t happen.
The ceremony came and went, and there was no sign of His Supremacy. She kissed Daymon and walked out past the crowd of guests. The couple was congratulated by a seemingly endless stream of people. There was no sign of Him anywhere - and it’s not like He was known for blending in.
Daymon and Tetenia rode together back to the castle. Daymon held her hand and smiled, and Tetenia tried her hardest to reciprocate his seeming happiness, to even be happy herself. She was succeeding, kind of. Daymon was a good man, an accomplished man. It wasn’t his fault he wasn’t God.
Nordish weddings typically had a one-hour period in which the couple would go off and consummate (or even just relax together) after the ceremony, before re-joining the guests for a celebratory banquet. Upon arriving at the castle, Daymon and Tetenia set off for their hour together, in Tetenia’s bedchambers. Tetenia was nervous, albeit not for the reason Daymon suspected.
"It’ll be OK, my dear," Daymon said. "We don’t even have to do it today if you don’t want to. We have the whole rest of our lives. I certainly don’t want to do if you don’t want to." He squeezed her hand and smiled reassuringly as they walked towards her bedchambers.
"I certainly don’t want to do it if you don’t want to." The phrase rung out in Tetenia’s head. It would probably never even occur to His Supremacy to say such a thing. If His Supremacy wanted to do it, whatever it was, it was done. If you didn’t want to do it, whatever it was, there were literally hundreds of other women slobbering to do it, craving to do it, with Him instead - and He might do it with one of them, or even several of them, but He would also do it with you. His Supremacy got whatever He wanted. His Supremacy took whatever He wanted, and expected gratitude for the taking. Deep down, Tetenia wanted to be taken, to be overwhelmed, by His Supremacy.
Tetenia shook her head, trying to get back into the moment, with Daymon. "I’m not saying we can’t," she said. "I don’t know. Let’s just figure it out while we’re there."
"I’m sure we’ll be fine either way," Daymon said.
There were four kneeling guardians outside Tetenia’s bedchambers.
Tetenia looked at Daymon, and he seemed confused. Both of them knelt. "Should we…go somewhere else?" a confused Daymon asked the guardian next to him.
"No, wait here." The guardian went into the bedchambers, and quickly came back out. "Enter, both of you. His Supremacy commands your presence."
Daymon and Tetenia looked at each other. They were both nervous, albeit for very different reasons. They entered the bedchambers.
His Supremacy sat, in the same chair He was using yesterday - His chair, that is - and in the same spot. The Queen Priestess Anya and the concubine Mia were both worshipping Him, sucking His cock. Tetenia and Daymon bowed down before Him, and Tetenia noticed that someone was also eating out His ass, head perched into His seat, back facing upwards, knees on the floor. Although she couldn’t figure out who it was.
"Mmmmm, that’s good Anya," He said. "That’s nice. Like that."
He did not look at Daymon or Tetenia. He did not say anything to them. He appeared to be in a state of sublime relaxation.
Anya, who had sultry lips and enormous breasts, was possibly His Supremacy’s favorite of the ten Queen Priestesses (His concubines numbered around 250), and she was devoted to Him with a fervent singularity. Her deepthroating skills were phenomenal to the point of defying physics. She was capable of taking all ten inches of His cock into her mouth and throat, massaging the base with her lips, running her tongue up and down the shaft, and keeping it there, basically for as long as He wanted - which could easily be hours. This was not to say that it was easy for her. Although she did not gag as much as newer concubines, it was pretty much impossible to do this without gagging and choking a fair amount. She regulated her breath such that she only had to take small, slow gulps of air while He was in her mouth, and even trained herself to need less air while pleasuring Him. Maintaining this state while focusing on His pleasure required all of her mental capacity and then some. It was painful in a way that did not dissipate with time or practice. There were few people who had spent more time fellating Him, or performing Full Worship at Ceremony (which essentially practice deepthroating) than Anya, and she had fully accepted one thing: All the practice, all the cocksucking, was not about reducing her pain. It was about experiencing her pain, accepting her pain, and willingly taking on more pain for the glory of His pleasure, for the fulfillment of His whim.
After an hour of deepthroating Him, her head would be pounding mercilessly from the lack of air, and her throat would be sore and her eyes would be teary. But if it pleased Him, she would keep sucking Him, keep worshipping Him, for another hour afterwards, and an hour after that. If He willed her to keep going through and after His orgasm - a common occurrence - it would be even harder to breathe, but it was no matter. Her pain, even her great pain, was a trifle in comparison to His desire to Have his cock sucked in accordance with His whim, to maximize His pleasure.
In Tetenia's room, Anya choked on His cock. The noise startled Daymon, and even Tetenia. But she did not move one millimeter. His Supremacy put His hand on Anya’s head and sighed contentedly.
His Supremacy glanced briefly at Tetenia, but did not seem to pay any attention to her, or to Daymon. Tetenia recognized the concubine Tanya, along with Queen Priestess Karina, and two other concubines, prostrate next to herself and Daymon. They were bowing down, silent, as well. There were also a handful of His servants and guards in the room, also bowing down silently.
His Supremacy did not pay any of them any heed. "That’s so good," He said, lightly cupping one of Anya’s breasts as she deepthroated Him. "That’s so good."
All of the tension in His body was directed towards His erect cock. Anya sucked His cock, Mia built licked His balls and His taint, Legensa - another concubine - licked His ass, positioned perfectly such that it was as though He were sitting in a silken chair which also could give Him a rimjob. His muscles relaxed and He sighed.
He came. His orgasm lasted for about three minutes, and all of His cum shot right down Anya’s throat. "I’m gonna cum," He said, almost lazily, in a voice just a bit above a whisper. "Yeah…it feels so good." He paused and pumped His cock deeper into Anya’s throat, in a way that was slow, but very much in control. He didn’t even put His hand on Anya’s head, she didn’t budge at all and she swallowed everything down. "It feels so good to have power…ahhh," He said. His body appeared wholly relaxed through the entire orgasm.
Anya swallowed every drop without incident, although some of it did come out of her nose. After He came, His Supremacy placed His hand on Anya’s head and made a few light-but-forceful thrusts, pushing His cock into her throat. "I have given you a great and sacred gift, Anya," He said, again, almost lazily and just a bit above a whisper. "I expect you are grateful." He held His hand there for another minute or two, and the moved it off Anya’s head.
He shifted back into the chair a little, and moaned lightly as His ass pushed further on Legensa’s face. And then….nothing changed. Anya continued to deepthroat Him. His cock was still hard as a rock. Aside from that one quick glance, He had not so much as looked at Tetenia or Daymon.
Daymon glanced up at the clock on the wall. Nearly forty-five minutes had passed since they first arrived. In fifteen minutes, they would have to leave. But how would they do so if His Supremacy did not acknowledge them?
The fifteen minutes came and went without acknowledgement. Tetenia began to feel…small. Insignificant. His Supremacy was sitting there, in her room, on her wedding day, being pleasured, and all she could do was bow down before Him. She thought He was going to take her in front of everyone in an ostentatious display of His power. Now, she didn’t know what He was doing. She wasn’t sure He was doing anything.
Although…in a way, this was an even more ostentatious display of His power than, say, assfucking Her in front of the entire Nordish elite. He could just sit there and lazily enjoy a blow job and a rim job for for as long as He liked. They…had to bow down to Him. It didn't matter that they had just gotten married, and that there was a roomful of guests waiting for them. They were bowing down before Him. That was what mattered.
Again: He could just sit there and lazily enjoy a blow job and a rim job for as long as He liked. They had to bow down to Him. Nothing else counted for anything. Tetenia averted Daymon’s eyes, embarrassed to be thinking about this - although how could she not? Her back started to hurt, as she had been prostrate for over an hour.
His Supremacy suddenly took Anya’s head and indicated that she pop off His cock. She came up, gasping for air, with a heavy cough, as His cock immediately disappeared down into Mia’s throat . Mia wasn’t Anya, but she was one of His favored concubines and could deepthroat Him for an hour or more. She pushed her lips against the base of His cock and gagged and squirmed as He pushed past the back of her throat, but she didn’t skip a beat. His cock went straight from Anya’s throat to Mia’s.
Anya, of course, thanked Him through the gasps for air. "Lick my balls and express your gratitude towards me, Anya," He said, as lazily as He was saying everything else in this moment.
Anya licked His balls and then buried herself in His taint, and then came back out again. His Supremacy slapped Anya’s tit surprisingly hard, but then settled back into the chair, totally relaxed.
Anya was still panting for air - she and been deepthroating Him for over two hours - and she found it hard to speak. Still, she had no choice.
"Thank you, Your Supremacy," she said, yet again. "You have given me a tremendous, indescribable, sacred, wonderful gift." She buried herself in His taint. "I will always be grateful to you. I am tremendously grateful, always, every second, as I know I must be. I know I must be more grateful than that as the gifts you have given me are Sacred, are Godly, and nothing that exists is worthy of them." She shifted back to his balls, and gasped for air. "Yet you have given me them. Thank you, Your Supremacy. I know thanking you is inadequate but nothing can match what you have given me, nothing can match your generosity."
His Supremacy sat back and moaned. "It is inadequate, Anya," He said, not even looking at her. He looked almost bored as He pushed Mia down on His cock.
"Of course. Of course. Yes." The pure adulation that Anya felt for Him was plain in her voice, even as she was clearly still somewhat short of breath. "It is inadequate. I am sorry it is so inadequate, Your Supremacy. I owe you more than gratitude, more than thankfulness. You have deemed to permit my unworthy self to worship you, to bow down in Your Sacred Presence, to kneel before you and sacrifice my breath for your pleasure. You have blessed me with gifts greater than the whole world. There no words to truly express the depth of my gratitude, and yet the depth of my gratitude is not nearly enough to compensate for the blessings you have bestowed upon me, for allowing me to be your worshipful servant, your worshipful slave." It was clear that Anya really felt these things - the adoration, the reverence, the raw honesty, in her voice was almost painful to hear.
"That’s enough Anya," He said. He reached down and caressed her breasts, but He did not look at her. "Just lick my balls."
"May I….may I submit one request to, Your Supremacy. Please. I know I am unworthy of it." She was begging, desperate.
His Supremacy waited a couple of minutes before responding. "You may request something. But I expect that you will be even more grateful to me than you were before."
"Yes, Your Supremacy. Of course, Your Supremacy." Anya paused and licked Him. "May I kiss the bottoms of your feet?"
"You may…..that feels good, Mia," He said, moving His cock in Mia’s throat. "I expect you will recognize my generosity in granting you this indulgence. It is a tremendous honor to kiss my feet."
"Thank you, Your Supremacy," Anya said.
His Supremacy turned right foot on its side. Anya bowed down, the side of her head touching the floor, and kissed the bottom of it. She then said, "Thank you, Your Supremacy. Kissing your Sacred feet is a great honor and a tremendous privilege. Thank you, Your Supremacy." He did the same with the left foot, and she said the same thing.
"You must perform an ablution before you can continue to lick my balls," His Supremacy said. Anya crawled over to a bowl of water on the side of the room, and washed her face and mouth. She crawled back and resumed licking.
Tetenia and Daymon were still prostrate, still unacknowledged.
About half an hour later, a guardian appeared. He bowed down, and His Supremacy immediately looked at him and asked his business. Mia was still sucking His cock, Anya was stil licking His balls, although Amandal had replaced Legensa in rimming Him.
"Thank you, Your Supremacy. King Ulsan is here with Lord Sarly, Your Supremacy. They humbly request the honor of entering Your Sacred Presence."
"Send them in."
"Thank you, Your Supremacy."
The king and Lord Sarly entered and bowed down before Him.
"Yeah, Mia," He said. "Yeah. Keep sucking it. You have to keep sucking it. Ahhhh," He moaned softly, in pleasure. No one else had ever experienced pleasures quite like these. He waited a few minutes before addressing the king and Lord Sarly. He still had not addressed Tetenia or Daymon at all.
"Thank you, Your Supremacy. It is with great veneration that I humbly come before you. It is a tremendous privilege to be in Your Sacred Presence," the king said, in keeping with the rules for interacting with Him. "We….Tetenia and Daymon were wed today. There are guests at the banquet who are awaiting their arrival. I was hoping, meekly hoping, that you would be so kind as to tell me when the guests can expect them. Thank you, Your Supremacy."
"I have summoned them."
"Thank you, Your Supremacy. I humbly request permission to respond, Your Supremacy. Thank you, Your Supremacy."
Mia gagged and choked loudly on His cock. He smiled. He was cumming again, Tetenia realized. He was having an orgasm in the middle of this interacting with her father. His pleasure was more important than whatever the king wanted. This one was a couple of minutes, and some of the cum dripped out of Mia’s mouth. He called over Karina to lick it up, and she thanked Him for the privilege. Tetenia got a little wet despite herself. His cock remained firmly in Mia’s mouth - was He ever not erect. Tetenia wondered.
Several minutes went by before His Supremacy said, "Granted."
"Thank you, Your Supremacy. I am not worthy of bowing down before you. I was just hoping that you could give some inkling of why you have summoned them. It would be very very helpful. It is Tetenia’s, my daughter’s, wedding day. I would be eternally grateful. Thank you, Your Supremacy."
He pushed Mia down on His cock and, for the second time in over two hours, looked over at Tetenia. But again, only for a split-second. He sat back and relaxed on the chair, enjoying Mia’s attentions as she struggled to breathe.
Ten or fifteen minutes went by. He was looking at nothing in particular. His cock was still rock solid in Mia’s mouth, everyone else in the room was still on their knees, in some fashion or other.
"Tetenia is my concubine," He said, looking at no one, as though it were an afterthought.
Tetenia’s heart jumped. It was true. She wanted to crawl to Him and suck His cock, but she knew she could not unless He permitted it. She wanted to praise Him, but she knew she could not unless He permitted it. She remained silent and prostrate. She tried not to look at Daymon, who was devastated and holding back all kinds of emotions. She tried not to look at her father, who would probably see political advantage to this, but would also be distinctly uncomfortable with the idea of his only child living the life of one of His concubines.
Tentatively, the king requested permission to respond. His Supremacy granted it.
"Thank you, Your Supremacy," the king said. He paused for a moment. "While I am glad that Tetenia pleases you, I did not know. I did not know that she was your…servant. I…apologize for this. Thank you, Your Supremacy." Ulsan felt humiliated, but also a little relieved - though he’d still have to deal with Daymon’s family.
"That’s nice, Mia," His Supremacy said. He fondled her tits, which were, like Anya’s, massive. "Go further into my ass, Amandal." Amandal pushed her face into His asshole and licked vigorously. "Yeahh….like that," He said, and stared off into the middle distance.
"You are no longer the king of Nordland," he said to Ulsan, not even looking at him, again like it was an afterthought.
Ulsan’s heart sank. He thought he had done everything right for His visit. He grew agitated and blurted out "What, why?"
"Mmmmyeah," His Supremacy said in pleasure. "Sarly may not inherit your throne, as well." Now his brother was disinherited. The princess was now a concubine, invalidating Daymon's claim to the Nordish crown. His family had ruled Nordland for three centuries. No more.
His Supremacy addressed Ulsan. "You did not praise me," He said. Mia was running up against the longest she could deep throat Him. Her body began to squirm and she flapped her arm against her leg. Still totally relaxed, He pushed her head back down. "Stay down, Mia." She wasn’t sure it was physically possible for her to stay down much longer - but she had no choice.
"I granted you permission to respond, and for a second time," He said. "When I grant you this privilege, you must praise me. I granted it to you twice," He said, and moaned in pleasure. "The second time, you did not praise me." He moaned in pleasure again, impervious to Mia’s increasingly-evident struggling. "I do not appreciate…" He broke off. Mia let out a loud gag and her body squirmed. She looked like she was trying desperately to control some kind of shock as she pleasured Him. He put His hand on her head "You have to stay all the way down, Mia," He said. He was - amazingly - cumming yet again. "You better be grateful,"He said to Mia He pumped yet more cum into her throat. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and He moaned in pleasure. "….such intransigence," He resumed saying.
"You then asked me a question without requesting permission at all," He went on. Still cumming, He removed His hand from Mia’s head. "Yeahhh," He told her. Mia gagged and choked loudly and spittle and cum came out of her mouth. She wished she could move from the base of His cock, but she knew she could not. She was ashamed to think this - He was coming, giving her a Great and Sacred Gift, for the second time in under thirty minutes. What a great honor. Every second of pleasuring Him was an escalating struggle for her. But He was coming in her mouth, again. What an indescribable blessing.
Her face was getting redder by the second and she was consciously trying to prevent her arms from flapping around. The base of His cock was still in her mouth, and the tip was still in Her throat, pouring forth cum. That was all that mattered. He moaned in pleasure again, as Mia writhed in pain. "I hope you are grateful, Mia," He said. "I hope you are eternally grateful."
She was, of course.
"It is a privilege for you to be in my presence. It is an honor for Nordland that I have come here," He said to Ulsan, still cumming in Mia's mouth and throat. "I hope you understand that. I hope you realize."
He paused as His orgasm subsided. Again, it lasted for around two minutes. "You have displeased me. You should be grateful, and you have displeased me," He said to Ulsan.
He did not sound especially angry when He said these things. His tone was not all that different from the tone He used when saying "that’s good" to His cocksucking concubines. His all-encompassing power spoke for itself.
There was a pool of cum on the floor. "Legensa and Karina, you may lick my cum off the floor. Remember my benevolence in granting you this great gift." The pair crawled to Him and licked up the cum with lots of enthusiasm. They acted like this was the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Maybe they actually felt that way, Tetenia thought.
"I…Thank you, Your Supremacy," Ulsan groveled. "I humbly request permission to respond, Your Supremacy. Thank you. Your Supremacy."
"Denied," He said. His cock was still rock hard, in Mia’s throat.
Ulsan was humiliated. Tetenia felt like she was on the verge of orgasm without coming close to touching herself.
Mia struggled on His Supremacy’s hard cock. She remained all the way down. She was a half-breath away from choking herself and her head hurt and her knees hurt and she had to use more concentration and focus than she ever thought she had, just to continue worshipping Him. But she remained all the way down. Pleasuring Him, sucking His cock, was an honor, a great, indescribable, honor, bestowed upon the fortunate and the chosen. It was His will. Nothing else was of any importance at all.
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